Malaya in the British Library Philatelic Collections

by Susan McEwen

This book by Susan McEwen lists the Malayan Stamps, revenues, meter marks and postal stationery in the British Library Philatelic Collections. A flyer for the book can be downloaded here.

How to Order

Orders with remittance to:

Peter Cockburn
High Garth
Stockcroft Road
West Sussex RH17 6LG

Cheques should be made payable to “Malaya Study Group” in Pounds Sterling or payment should be in US dollar notes. Payment by US dollar cheques must include an additional US$8 to cover cost of conversion.

For members within the UK:
The book is priced at £38 + £4 for 2nd class P&P, or £5 for 1st class P&P. 

For members within Australia, Malaysia and Singapore:
Please contact your local representative for prices and P&P.

For members from all other countries, or non-members:
Please contact Peter Cockburn for prices and postage.